As a typical mother, I worry every moment about your safety and pray and hope that you will be safe and sound every time I leave the house to go to work. I keep a watchful eye on you whenever I can to make sure that you are out of harms way.
I pray each day that God will help to look after you and hope that you grow up to be a good person and will lead a full and productive life.
I do believe that you and your brother will be the only kids I will have the pleasure of having in my lifetime, hence it is with a bit of overprotectiveness that spills over with my treatment of you daily. Forgive your mom for that.
Each time you voluntarily hug me, each cheeky grin, each time you subconciously reach out to hold my hand when you are asleep, these memories are filed away dearly to be remembered when you grow up and become more independent and don't need Mummy so much anymore as you begin to explore and experience the world around you.
But till that day comes, I will cherish every naughty totally exasperating thing that you do and even though you awake each night to crawl into bed with me and slumber again between your Da da and me, it's okay......I do so love your baby smells and sturdy body in my arms as I too fall asleep again.
So baby boy, know that Mummy loves you lots and dear God, please keep this naughty person safe and sound and let him grow up and grow old beyond us.
My heart and soul is all wrapped up in this naughty bundle of energy.