I had always been a loyal Dettol user due to my obsessive attitude toward germ care. Their 99.9% claim completely had me sold!
Then one day, as I was walking along minding my own business at Carrefour and loading my trolley with a bottle of Dettol 4in1 Lavender, this sweet little old lady said to me,"Miss ah, why don't you try this product? It's got antiseptic properties due to the Tea Tree Oil and it also repels household pests whilst keeping your floors and work surfaces squeaky clean and shiny as if waxed!"
I actually didn't here anything she said past "Miss ah!" I mean somebody called me Miss! Can you beat that?! So of course I stopped and really gave her 5 minutes of my time and bought two bottles of the product she was waxing lyrical about (pun intended) after she assured me that I could come back to look for her if my plants died violent deaths, due to her claim that I could continue my green quest and water my household plants with my leftover mopping water...hmmm...
(Two weeks later) and yes, I am sold. The first time my floors really feel smooth and clean. My kitchen counters are smooth and clean. Ants and the fat lizard behind the toaster have moved to my neighbour's house, because she doesn't use Y Slimz Floor Master you see.
I even used the product along with a a few squirts of dishwashing liquid to wash my toilet. Amazing results! BTW did you know washing my toilet with dishwashing liquid is the other best thing anyone ever taught me!
Okay, so things are clean and feels clean. There are 2 other very important points to note:-
1. For the longest time, I had been adding antiseptic liquid into the basin along with the dishwashing liquid to wash down my toilets. I would always end up with stinging hands (ok I hate gloves! I can't clean anything I can't feel ok!) With this new product, NO STINGING! Yahoo!
2. My plants are still alive and if i may say so, kinda thriving too. Even the leaves look greener.
So, if you are someone who cares about protecting our environment and can't afford the exorbitant price tags on the Eco-Friendly products on the shelves (even LOC from Amway costs quite a bit), this could be your answer.
RM15.90 and RM18.90 for the bigger sizes. And they have a few of variants you can choose from.
Go check out their website and have a read- http://www.y-slimz.com/floor-master.html or
drop by Carrefour, Jusco or Tesco.
Give it a try, i did, and no regrets so far.
thanks mate :D
will give it a try
Saw this product at Carrefour too.
So I decided to do a little research on the net and luckily came across your blog.
Does this product get rid of stickiness on the floor though? Grease?
p.s. Your way of writing is really impressive!!
Good sharing, Y-slimz Floor Master was tested by Sirim QAS International Sdn Bhd by using in-house methods for determining the antimicrobia lvalue of disinfectant. For detail visit:
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