I remember 21 years ago when I was fresh out of high school, struggling to make ends meet. My daily diet consisted of one meal a day of a 25cent indo mie. We'd buy 2 packs & that wld b my boyfriend's and my meal for d day.....or on very good days, we'd share a nasi padprik from d Thai shop that costed 2.50.......we'd ride d bus and trudge on foot to every destination. We'd salivate and envy all our friends with cars, who cld afford to eat at A&W and who wore levi's 501s. Coz u c, we cldnt afford any of those, no siree....I really think being hungry was one of the reasons I fell into catwalk modelling, u c back then, there were loads of lunch, hi tea and dinner shows. And all these shows had lunch, hi tea or dinner provided. Heaven sent for starving youth! Which is kinda makes u wonder that it's odd for your agents to negotiate for food to b provided to their models only to tell them the very next day "girls u all ah need to lose weight! Too much cheesecake alredy u c your hips!!"
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Aly-pedia Definition of Pilates

- Minimum movement for maximum pain
A more acceptable tagline that can sell to the masses would be:-
-Minimal Impact Maximum Gain
Any which way, I attended my very first serious Pilates class at Be Yoga with Lila yesterday (Friday the 12th - phew!)
Needless to say, I quickly realized i was wrong when I thought that my core muscles were in decent shape.
They definitely were not.
A squishy overball and me did not make firm friends this session although it was not due to lack of effort on my part! Let's just say the ball had a mind of it's own and much preferred to be anywhere BUT between my legs, under my pelvis, between my thighs or under my shoulder blades...dang!
But I must say that this workout although very low impact, really worked my body thoroughly, how do I know this? Well here I am with my comp and a steaming cup of coffee, chilling on my bean bag....AND I have absolutely NO Idea HOW I am going to get up from here!!!!
Pilates - would I recommend it. A resounding yes!
Now would someone please help me up? My abs are killing me....!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Look out Point - Ulu Langat
Thursday, March 11, 2010
A new twist to two old peribahasas

From a very young age , my grandmother drummed into me the value of humility. She always said, no matter how high you fly. Keep your feet firmly grounded on land. So that when you do fall, you won't fall too hard....
I have met many people in my life that flew so very high up in the sky.......they jumped higher than any trampoline could ever spring them up to.....i just hope that they kept one eye on a good landing spot way down on the ground for that rainy day that may come....
"Setinggi-tinggi tupai melompat, akhirnya akan jatuh ke tanah juga dan timpa tangga pula......adoi"
The Adventures of Poop-i and Peppito

This is me Poop-i! Do I look like a Dingo or a Dungu? I say Dingo! Coz I decided to stay dry and on dry land! Wait till you see what my brother Peppito did!..yucks!
Peppito my doofus brother jumped into the not-so-clear mountain water...let me tell you...the place was crawling with people...crawling with Malaysian people..so you can imagine the level of hygiene...nyways....Mum and doofus....as you can see are in the water...!
Lookit my brother's mouth - it's wide open in absolute glee...well glee right till he sees a turd float by, betcha a native up-mountain is squatting and doing a poo right that minute...!
So yea, that's our little adventure for the day and my brother...yea ..he's such a clown, but I wouldn't trade him for anything.
BTW I did a shee shee on mum in the car on the way home. I pretended I was asleep.......woof woof!
BTW I did a shee shee on mum in the car on the way home. I pretended I was asleep.......woof woof!
A human flaw

My yogi keeps saying to me, tuck in your tailbone. Tuck it in! It'll lessen the pain in your back, once you make a habit of tucking in your tailbone all the time, your backache will disappear.
And I had a thought....now, if men learnt to tuck in their "toots" more often and thought rationally using the head that's located on their shoulders, a lot of heartache could possibly be lessened.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Autumn Leaves
I woke under the cover of darkness
Looked up into the television sky
I wandered through the city alone this
Rain wouldn't stop, I couldn't dry my eyes
I cried
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
I went to the edge of town
Over bright highways where the traffic was the only sound
While my eyes were looking at the ground
I could see pictures of you floating all around
I didn't doubt
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
-October 20th 2008-
this day changed me forever, i will never be the same, the wound heals, but the scar will remain forever..and ever...and ever....
Looked up into the television sky
I wandered through the city alone this
Rain wouldn't stop, I couldn't dry my eyes
I cried
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
I went to the edge of town
Over bright highways where the traffic was the only sound
While my eyes were looking at the ground
I could see pictures of you floating all around
I didn't doubt
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
...when the feeling leaves
...if you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
...like the autumn leaves
...on a windy day
-October 20th 2008-
this day changed me forever, i will never be the same, the wound heals, but the scar will remain forever..and ever...and ever....
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